Belleville Ferry Terminal Wharf Replacement, Victoria BC
Replacement of the Black Ball Ferry Line - Belleville Terminal for the M.V. Coho ferry located downtown Victoria, BC. Work including drilling 120 each 24” steel piles into bedrock, demolition and removal of existing wharf, installation of precast concrete deck, new passenger and vehicle ramp installation, pedestrian and vehicle loading facility, riprap slope stabilization, and civil construction. As a port of entry, all work had to be organized on an extremely tight timeline between multiple governing authorities, including US Customs & Boarder Control, Canadian Customs, Transport Canada, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Department of Fisheries and Ocean, and Victoria Harbour marine and air traffic regulators. Heavy Metal utilized a small working area, with minimal disruptions to terminal operations. Heavy Metal ensured construction was complete on schedule, and the M.V. Coho did not miss a single sailing throughout the entire term of construction.
Duke Point Barge Facility – Terminal Construction, Nanaimo BC
Design-build project to develop a single berth barge terminal and 2-acre asphalt laydown area. Construction included the demolition of existing structure, contaminated soil remediation, drilling and blasting bedrock to grade, subbase preparation of laydown area; construction of causeway approach into the foreshore and rip rap armouring for shoreline protection. Construction of single berth terminal, including in-water downhole pile drilling, trestle construction, vehicle ramp installation and complete site utility commissioning. Construction development was scheduled to begin the date of lease occupation and required the terminal to be operational on a very short timeline to avoid any disruptions to business operations. Heavy Metal was able to mobilize to site immediately to begin construction and delivered a fully operational terminal ahead of schedule.
Highway 31A – Whitewater Bridge and Lyle Creek Bridge, Kootenays BC
Replacement of two existing bridges with new two lane, single span 16m long bridges, with 700mm deep prestressed concrete box stringers, cast-in-place concrete abutments, drilled steel pipe piles, cast-in-place deck, and parapets to MOTI specifications. Work included 500m of asphalt paved approaches; removal and disposal of existing bridges in their entirety; the design, installation and removal of a single lane detour for each bridge replacement; continuous traffic control; and riprap installation in the channel at each site.
Lafarge Terminal Wharf Rehabilitation, Richmond BC
Rehabilitation to the marine infrastructure at the Richmond Cement Plant terminal on the Fraser River, including replacement of east approach trestle and conveyor support, unloader hoist, west approach trestle, west wharf, ramp approach trestle, and ramp walkways; east catwalk repairs; ramp lift tower demolition; old dolphin demolition; and dolphin and fender log repairs. Work included the installation of 86 each 762mm x 19mm 32m vertical and batter piles; all welds completed to CBW 47.1 Standards with no deficiencies. During the planning phase of construction, Heavy Metal provided value engineering to the client, and suggested a change from the original cast-in-place concrete to pre-cast concrete panels. This improved the constructability of the project, and the design change shortened the construction timeline, minimizing the impact on terminal operations.
Modular Wharf Construction- Phase 1, Port Edward BC
Construction of a 12m long concrete wharf adjacent to the existing operational Wharf 417. Work includes the supply and installation of 42 each 609.6mm x 15.875mm steel piles with up to 15m of overburden and a 3m rock socket, cast-in-place suspended slab concrete decking, installation of fenders, railing, and ladders. Installation of wharf abutments and riprap armouring of the shoreline for Phases 1-6. Construction was challenging, with the area experiencing 7m tidal water elevation changes throughout the day; but Heavy Metal was able to creatively overcome these challenges by designing an innovative installation approach fitting for the site conditions.
TRESAH Caisson Pile Installation, Victoria BC
Tresah Condominium complex is a two-tower complex complete with underground parkade. This project required over 135 caissons consisting of end bearing and rock socketed caissons with permanent pipe pile installation. Pipe pile diameters from 610mm to 1219mm and rock socket diameters from 520mm to 1067mm. Largest rock sockets on the project were 1067mm diameter x 10.0m deep and at the time of installation were the largest rock sockets in North America. Successful installation of the concrete reinforcement and concrete for the caissons was accomplished in extremely challenging conditions including 47.0m depths and artesian water encountered in the granite rock formation with head pressure amounting to 7.0m above existing ground elevation. Heavy Metal worked with the design team to collectively come up with a solution to overcome these geotechnical site challenges for successful completion of the project.